viernes, 29 de abril de 2011


M. C. Eschers Escalator Illusion
Whoah! Never expected that Lima’s illusion would trigger so many reactions (over 400 in less than 24 hours)! Unfortunately, not that many of you guessed it right. It seems that even I was tricked by it. My guess was that the hand is in front of the object, with bars painted on it to make it appear as it was positioned behind the structure.
Anyhow, the real solution was kindly provided by Joao Lima: “The trick is very simple. The wall is very thin and on the other side there is the same structure, where the shadow is a projection behind the wall. I mean, the spot light is behind the wall so there is no reason to look for the hand shadow.
This illusory object was created by an artist called Joana Corona, and can be seen at the exposition at Oscar Sanchez  Museum in Curitiba – Brazil.” In the mean time, check this animated .gif file showing Escher’s Relativity in action! Whoever incorporated the escalator surely did a great job, and completely understands M.C. Escher and his work!
I couldn’t resist sharing this optical illusion comic with you guys. The impossible figure is quite familiar, yet the comic is great. There is just one little favor I’m gonna ask you – Is there anyone among us, who knows how to decipher the artist’s signature (so we could give proper credit to him)? I think it’s Dave Copp-something…  can’t read the rest. Is it only me, or does the very same signature appear on almost every Garfield comic? Update – naaah, just checked this. Can’t believe I couldn’t remember it was Jim Davis who does Garfield…

Hasbro: trivial pursuit cerebro

Con laberintos y un cerebro Hasbro promociona su antiguo juego de trivia: trivial pursuit, el eslogan dice: "Sabes más de lo que piensas". 

Sabes más de lo que piensas.
Agencia de Publicidad: DDB París, Francia
Director Creativo: Alexandre Hervé
Director de Arte: Steve Robert
Redactor: Arnaud Viallaneix
Ilustrador: Steve Robert
Equipo de cuenta: Marie-Laure Freer, Lilith Love, Juliette Ferre

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